Workshop on Sensing Applications Enabled by Silicon Photonics
Topics: Refractive index biosensing, mid IR sensing, Raman sensing, Lidar, LDV, OCT, etc.
Chair: Roel Baets, Ghent University (BE), and Goran Mashanovich, University of Southampton (UK)
Free for EOSAM attendees
Silicon photonics is rapidly maturing as a technology platform for photonic integrated circuits. Building upon the CMOS infrastructure, it allows to implement a broad variety of photonic functions with high yield on a compact footprint chip and at low cost. In the datacom field industrial products are emerging. But the same technology - with minor variations to allow for operation in different spectral bands from visible to mid-IR - is now increasingly explored for sensing and metrology functions, either for the sensing function itself or for read-out circuitry for the sensor. The applications are ubiquitous and encompass environmental monitoring, medicine, biology, safety, security and so on. In this workshop the state of the art in this field will be reviewed and examples from a variety of application domains will be given.
Invited Speakers
- Sergio Nicoletti, CEA-LETI: MIRPHAB: a pilot line offering fabrication of Mid-IR Chemical Sensors
- Jose Luis Rubio, MedLumics: Towards wafer-level Optical Coherence Tomography
- Pol Van Dorpe, imec (Belgium): Silicon Nitride based photonic integrated circuits for biophotonics applications at visible wavelengths
- Milos Nedeljkovic, University of Southampton: On-chip integration of biophotonics could reduce its cost and footprint. We are developing a CMOS compatible SiN waveguide platform in the visible and will discuss the status.
- Laura Lechuga, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2): Ultrasensitive bimodal waveguide silicon nitride biosensors for point-of-care diagnosis
- Eva Ryckeboer, Ghent University – imec: Spectroscopic sensing enabled by silicon photonics
- Jaap Caro, Delft University of Technology: Wavelength-controlled positioning of a (bio-)particle with a photonic crystal waveguide